And Justice will prevail...Poetically!!!

Me, Myself and my 3rd 'I'....Justus!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

It's my blog and I do what I want to

I'm not going to spend a whole lot of time on why I haven't updated. See the title. Let me just spend some time on what has changed since I last typed:

A black man has a respectable chance to be president.

I love this however I do fear that this will give license for people to understate the racial climate of this country which still tends be...less than reasonable. People will have to come to the understanding that Senator Obama didn't get to where he is because of a lack of racism, but moreso in spite of racism.

We are still at war:

We didn't get the full 411 as to why we went to war. (Google WMD's)We didn't get the full 411 as to how we were doing on the ground(Google Mission Accomplised) lastly, now that it's all been established and known that we are over there to stabilize the region so that we will have a better price on the regions major export, we are continuing to break records daily on the price of crude oil. A barrel of crude oil is a weeks worth of daycare. Now thats crazy considering when I last blogged, the cost of a barrel couldn'y even get you a decent pair of shoes.

R Kelly got aquitted:

*insert not amused nor affected face here*

Micheal Vick went from the most promising talent in NFL history to a bankrupt booty house bitch:

I'm not mad for doing what you want to do when you are rich. However, I am a little upset that you didn't surround yourself with anyone that would tell you what a reckless, careless ass you were being while doing what you wanted to do. Anyone reading this please forward it to the next greatest undereducated change the league prospect that comes out. PAY SOME ONE TO TELL YOU WHEN YOU ARE FUCKING UP!!!! You cats pay people to shoot up strip clubs. Pay people to watch your back in the hood. Why not pay someone to have the common sense that you lack. I guess in order to do that you must first posess common sense. Nevermind.

A Texas redneck gets off for shooting two minorities:

Literally the jury is out on this one. When I first heard about this I was upset. After then analyzing the situation, and you will be shocked by what you read next, there are few people that I would rather have as a neighbor than that texas redneck the put buckshots in those thieves. By the letter of the law he should go to jail, however I hope the don't convict him on the primary charge and possibly convict on something lesser. In order to get back to the community structure that made this country great we have to have more of dealing with life as it comes, for ourselves. Stop blaming others and waiting for others to do for us what we can do for ourselves. Now I'm not advocating becoming vigilantes, but I would like us to adopt the mindset that this guy displayed on the phone with the 911 operater. That mindset being: "Nuh Uh buddy, this ain't right. I'm finna stop em"

I make what my pop died making:

I love you Dad. You were and continue to be an example in my life. The footsteps for which I follow. Your shoes are to big for me to fill but I'll buy a smaller pair just like yours.

I don't know if I'll blog forever, but for now.......I'm back!!!!
